A Bard's Purpose: Prologue

Everything and everyone are made of the bases of existence, reln. Primordial, the two Aoreln, Dax and Suz, have governance over the six Nureln, Jyk Wox, Mur, Nep, Kag, and Bil; each Aoreln having three Nureln respectively. Each reln, too, have eight components that they represent: Form, Time, Sensation, Color, Element, Body part, Emotion, and Motion. Moreover they, in and of themselves, have one representation that they have sovereignty over.
Dax (Form): Physical, Body, Warp Space, Trust, Above, Space, Male, White
Jyk (Sensation): Amorphous, Aura, Roll, Joy, Crest, Light, Nervous System, Gold
Wox (Motion): Gas, Sound, Flight, Surprise, Rise, Wind, Circulatory, Orange
Mur (Emotion): Plasma, Smell, Blink, Anger, Fall, Fire, Muscles, Red
Suz (Time): non-Physical, Soul, Warp Time, Love, Night, Time, Female, Black
Nep (Element): Liquid, Taste, Swim, Sadness, Descent, Water, Mind, Blue
Kag (Body Part): Solid, Touch, Dig, Disgust, Ascent, Terra, Bone, Green
Bil (Color): Unchanging form, Sight, Push, Fear, Trough, Darkness, Skin, Purple
All of these reln combine make up the world they inhabitants dubbed Kald. From seas and rivers of Nep, the ground of Kag, to the light giving ring of Jyk held above a cushion of Wox, they all exist with equivalence, unity, and animosity towards each other. Though the reln, on the whole, tend to stay separate from each other, they can combine to create more wondrous substances then they alone could create.
The most astounding and baffling of the creation is when all work in unison for one greater purpose, life. Combining two conflicts of the Nureln create the three aspects of life: Energy(Jyk & Bil), Substance (Wox & Kag), and Spirit (Mur & Nep) while the Aoreln hold the being together.
After life came into existence, it flourished and covered the world. Across a void, two forms of life took genesis, those of Kald and those of Ovald. Kaldian creatures had systems and order to their lives while Ovaldian existence was chaotic and strange. And among the countless evolutions of the primordial life, four classes of beings emerged. Rela, Ul Rela, Oql and Nel are what the Oo, or beings, of kald came to call them. Nel are life without thought, unmoving plants or unthinking beasts that act nearly solely with instinct. Oql have the capability of slightly higher thought, some even having the capability to actively converse with other on matters further than hunger or pain. And finally there were Rela and Ul Rela, creatures that have the capability to know that they are. Over millennium they had grown together, creating complex and interconnected societies with and without each other. Rela grew from diverging roots, though all came to be Rela in their own manner: Gheforis, Vshawen, Vinsel, Keupaal, Humi, Isynx, Solumkerd, Muzoval, Roqbherg, Drake, and Saestel.
But life refused to be defined by species and races, and would continue no matter their progenitors. Thus, beings separated by evolution could still create offspring together, these creatures being designated to the title of Comoo. Rela and Nel alike despise these forms of life, dreaming them unnatural and grotesque. This is not without merit as many Oo created from a union of two varying species often life short and painful lives in terrible bodies.
As nothing is perfect, a living being tends to have a greater amount of one reln. This could be due to their species, race, or even as a personal trait. The imbalance of reln within a being lets them have greater use or control over that reln. This has some beings have an easier time flying while others are more lively at a specific time of day. An Oo’s personal imbalance also grants them traits above and beyond their own species, manifesting in what is known as a nya. Most beings have their nya as one specific ability, such as being able to traverse fire though their species may not find that so easy, create snow from the tips of their fingers, cook more efficiently and with greater taste than nearly everyone else, or even read the mind of others with ease.
This is not to say that an Oo could not grow their abilities or affinity to better themselves. As with growing muscle when exercising or the mind when studying, an Oo could also grow in prowess for anything imaginable. A mind reader, fire breather, a change in color, or emotional suppression, as long as an Oo has the will to mold themselves in rigorous training, they are capable of nearly anything. When mastering something, it is considered mastering Ghoa. An example being a being of the sea training to gather fire.
With relns attracting their same, the terrain, though still blending and varied, grew to have a fairly systematic structure, though this is completely untrue for Ovald. Deserts to the east, forests to the west, and an enormous city built before history recorded to the north. These major landscapes being obvious borders to the growing societies, they were soon separated and classified. The, dubbed Ezaldiv, were: Kexist, Dreuglen, Hasehak, Sornata, Whidyr, Yassa Fosa, Naru, and Isazol. No government rules these areas (excluding Kexist), but the Ezivald are merely designations to unite species and races under one common idea of unity.
There is an endless expanse of Wox between the ground below and the ring of Jyk surrounding the world. The Jyk ring around the world has two obvious sides to it, the thicker Sayk and thinner Zuyk. The Sayk lets forth the day. Blinding to look at, it pushes away the darkness from beyond. But the Zuyk at night is spare, feebly trying to stave off the darkness that the Sayk had done before. The Zuyk is thin for one reason, it is fractured. Pieces of the jyk swirl in regular patterns through the nights, stars. They complete their succession every six cycles between the Sayk and Zuyk (Jyjuz, Mujuz, Wojuz, Nejuz, Kajuz, and Bijuz).
The swirling of the soluar ring around the world is not the only movement it has. It also moves its poles in regular fashion, creating seasons. Its poles rise over the western side of Kald only to retract before having the ability to scorch life away. When the pole is taking its last strides while it pulls away, it is the dead season or Noorz. Before beginning its approach, it keeps calm and away for the silent season, Nwoxrz. When it begins it approach, things begin to come to life for the birth season. Giving just enough light and heat for the world, nearly arriving to its apex, it gives way to the growth season, Eeyrz. The pole at its apex, the hottest and most energetic time of the year, the breeding season, Kerzrz. When the pole pulled away, it is the season of dwindle, Eekrz.
It is within this world that Fa’oon and his brother travel.


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