Murn Technology / Science in Kald | World Anvil


What it is

A murn (Lald written Muzreln (translating directly to lovely reln)) is any item that grants or enhances a user's ability to perform an action; It's truly a catch all term that has many subcategories. The broader or stronger the action, the more difficult it is to craft a murn for that action; and in some cases the more difficult it is to use the murn.

Verities, Forms, & Applications

  Some murn can accentuate the users potential. This can be as simple as enhancing strength or as complex as forming a specific claw shape in a Vinsel’s gaseous paw. Some murn grant the user abilities they would find difficult to perform, if not impossible. An example would be allowing a Humi to fly or generate opalescent fire that lingers and acts as clothes.
  Most murn take the form of small rocks or gemstones, though they can be anything from a droplet of golden liquid to a heart of rosy flame. As most Oo have multiple murn they use daily, they keep their murn in a Haln. The haln is comfortable to wear and easily configurable with what murn it holds. In addition to the haln, others have their murn fashioned clothes, jewelry, and body modifications. For those willing, enchanted tattoos and other permanent items can be applied.
  Murn can be passive in use or active. Passive murn act with the user, performing their action like it a natural extension of the self. Active murn only perform when they are acted upon in some way; It can be a simple tap on the murn or submerging it in water.

Everyday vs Unique

  Common murn, such as lurr, can be and are used by most everyday Oo. It is almost unheard of if a traveling merchant is without a lox or a murn to hold his goods, or a laborer without a murn to enhance their strength, or anyone with any amount of currency having a murn as a proxy between them and where their currency is held. A murn's use should, in theory, not be dedicated to be used by only one user, allowing for the effects to be used by whomever wields it (the exception being unique murn). If a murn is picked up by a stranger, and the stranger knows what the murn is used for, they should be able to use that murn.
  There are, however, unique murn that either only a singular soul can use or is one of a kind. Most of these murn are wholly inconsequential, rich persons buying custom murn as a status symbol. Or a murn being gifted to someone for a myriad of reasons. Most of these murn are made for one singular being. For the murn that are unique to themselves, there is usually some sort of great power within them that is not easily replicated. Many of these unique murn are left to legend; a murn powerful enough to generate earthquakes and rip apart land, or a murn which strength grows by consuming souls.  


  A murn is crafted by a Ntelnu, or truly anyone with the knowhow, by meticulously arranging greln in specific patterns. These patterns can be hard to create as greln naturally push and pull each other and meld into shapes they naturally would (such as kag greln shapes only accepting other specific shapes without catalysts). It is only once the greln is fully crafted that the greln it's made from find stasis.
  Depending on the greln used, the creation of a murn has many different methods. In a most basic murn, all one has to do is push the greln together, past their repulsion point to a stasis. The intricacies of murn can become impossible complex, different shapes, sizes, states, temperatures, etc of greln meticulously placed in relation to one another to have the object perform a specific action or enhance one's ability to perform that action. Greln placed inside other greln, molded and culled, heated and chilled, rotated and shifted, made into alloys and dissolved, sublimated and melted, there are many ways to affect a greln to become the proper state and position with one another for the end result of helping or performing an action.
  Murn used to be much larger, as the people who created them only had their physical abilities to craft them. Some murn were poles, articles of clothing, large stones, and even entire buildings. With modern tools, murn have been crafted to be much smaller and much more potent, leading most modern murn being the size of small pebbles that one can adorn their body with or keep in a small sack.  


  No one person or even one area discovered how to make the first incarnations of murn. The essence of what a murn is, is inherit to the world, beings first seeing it in natural phenomena and attempting to replicate it. Ancient peoples took notice of their world: how burning something would change its consistency and purpose, how some rocks where easier to jump off of, or that rain made the ground soggy and easier to pull apart. Upon their attempts to replicate these things that made actions easier they learned that by placing and manipulating greln, they were able to make new and unexpected things happen. Over time this evolved to be more and more complex, scientists learning why these things happen and using that knowledge to make new, more innovative, things happen. Eventually, these devices that take the core principal of how reln interact with each other became small and abundant, leading to people picking up the term murn.
  Before the term "murn" was used so generally, there was no one word for something that assisted with or caused an action. A stick could be technically classified as a murn as it is an item that assists with an action, more specifically the action of extending one's reach. But most would call a stick a stick and not a murn. That beings gave the name of murn to are objects that are so small and similar in size that calling every differing action by a different name would be tedious and unintuitive. The advancement of tools has progressed so far that most tools are but a small pebble in size, only staying as large so it does not get lost. No one can say for certain when and where the term started cropping up, but it is now used by near everyone who is able to speak (at least with their Language equivalents if they are unable to pronounce the word).
Greln - Pure Reln, without flaws and without mixing with other reln
Oo - Any living being.
Ntelnu - The profession of crafting murn (crafter being called Ntelnu)
Staimem: records thoughts to be played back later.
Gnox (gahnox): when used in tandem with a ksech (noxech), will allow the user to travel on the wind from one ksech to another.
Lurr: Grants the user enhanced telekinesis
Lox: Also known as a speech murn, this is used to translate one’s professed language to another specified language instantaneously. Most lox can translate from one single language to another; but more expensive, and more delicate, lox can translate into or from multiple languages.


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Jul 22, 2018 18:30 by artificial_infinity

This is a really interesting concept that you've come up with, I like the variety that exists between the different types of Murn and you've put a great deal of detail into the article. How were Murn discovered?

Jul 22, 2018 20:15

I can't believe I didn't put the orign in the article, they're there now :D I've added a origin section, thank you for the idea prodding.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Jul 22, 2018 18:45

This is fascinating! In my head, I'm picturing that liquid that is a solid, liquid and a gas all at the same time though I know that's not entirely accurate.

Jul 22, 2018 20:15

While not entirely what I was getting at, that is completely possible. What meant to get across that a murn can be any substance, like a droplet or ball of gas, depending on how it was made and what it was intended to do. If a murn is made so, it could absolutely be a solid/liquid/gas combo.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Jul 22, 2018 22:19

I like the generalist approach. It is definitely a unique idea. It was a lot of text though, with not so many sub-headlines. Hard to digest imo if one is not deep in your world already (which I am not sadly).

Jan 30, 2024 02:11

Came here from the manuscript. XD I like how you integrated natural things like rain softening soil into the world's inherent magic; really interesting. I wonder what other implications this technology could have. Does anyone set several actively affectatious murn into, say, jewelry? Similarly to gems in a setting? Also, I imagine one could create some crude sort of murn to enhance their telekinesis, and produce progressively sophisticated murn. Is there a limit on the potential strength of a murn, hypothetical or otherwise?

Jan 30, 2024 14:42

Several murn in jewlery is exactly what a Haln is XD. Generally, haln are necklaces, but they can really be any band that is purpose-made to be affixed with multiple murn. Definitely used in some subcultures as a status symbol.   Telekinesis murn are definitely used in production, especially by professional Ntelnu (think like a single person who makes the most fanciest of watches). But telekinesis enhancing murn are one of the most common and most popular.   There isn't really a limit on the potential of any murn, it just gets more and more difficult with limited results. In the grand scheme of time and technological, improvements have increased on a logarithmic scale, but there have been outliers...

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Jan 30, 2024 15:50

Makes sense. So in theory, there isn't a limit, but in practicality there's a significant drop-off point. Is the increased difficulty in murn production-mainly in the repulsive/attractive forces between greln displacing them from the desired positions-able to be circumvented by producing murn of a larger scale rather than a smaller one? And if so, what affects the quality/power of the murn? Is there a spectrum of reln purity that will suffice, and higher purities are more potent, or is it more the physical layout and proximity of the greln that produces the enhancing effects? Also, is it more the proximity or the mass of reln that determines the strength of its force? And is it the tension between the greln that the murn draws its power from? Hopefully I'm making sense, haha!

Jan 30, 2024 15:53

One more thought I forgot: Is it possible to collaborate in the production of a murn in a way that the burden of compacting the greln is spread between two or more actors? If so, could larger and more complex murn be created by larger and more skilled groups of people?

Feb 14, 2024 01:20

I hadn’t thought about this. You’re probably right. A bigger structure would offset the push forces while smaller ones would be more difficult due to it, but may yield more results due to the “pressure”. I’m sure at some tiny point, it would self-sort itself and the design would fall apart. Unless, of course, there’s some surrounding structure that holds it in place.   The quality/power is affected by concentration (how much), orientation, distribution(where things are in relation to others of itself), and relation to things around it. Like chemicals in a way, mixed with electronics and a dash of newtonian physics. The push force is determined by these factors as well. As a higher “density” of jyk in one portion of the jyk “mass” will push things away harder as they are closer and differently from the other reln being positioned around the “mass”.   Purity is really just how much of an element is in a specific volume of space/time. I like to think of the world like stained glass with more “pure” things just having bigger single color pieces in a given area. But because everything is always changing (due to time existing), that one big piece of red glass will morph, split, rejoin, wobble, and whatever other verbs you want to use. An object existing as the same object for any length of time is due to space existing, but time acts as entropy.   Murn, as the closest analogy, are electronic devices. They are manufactured with similar ideas to make things do a lot of things. But where they differ is that they don't’ “draw power” like using electricity (well some do), but exist in a space and draw the will of the life acting on them to do what they do. That will can be in the form of electricity, of thought, of feeling, of physical action (like talking or lifting), or of other things that I will leave ambiguous for further creativity. So, it’s not the tension between reln, but the outside forces interacting with their shaped mechanisms to make something specific happen. And, I suppose, they will act differently (typically through enhanced effectiveness) the more power is put into them.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Feb 14, 2024 01:21

Yes, more actors increasing the capability of murn crafting can absolutely be done. In fact, the more actors there are, the less “power” is needed per actor. But having them in sync is the difficulty increase, which will be exponential. And there are groups of people dedicated to making murn, like arcanists/mechanists/engineers/ntenlu/etc who train together to make something, for a pun, magical.   As an aside: there are murn making murn, machine factories making less complex items for the masses.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Feb 20, 2024 16:45

Thanks for such an in-depth answer! That last point would've been my next question. XD