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House Valmine of Elnemora

House Valmine of Elnemora is a longstanding line of elven nobility that has governed different parts of Elnemora for much of its transcribed history. Their official royal colours are emerald and grey, and their signet is a woven series of interlocking triangular shapes that represent their hold on each aspect of Elnemoran culture. (see Mithiope's Pendant) Their line of succession stretches back from parent to child for many generations unbroken.   House Valmine of Elnemora is a long-standing family lineage which has governed over various counties and districts of Elnemora for much of it's written history. Rulership of the House, ad the title of Count/Countess, is passed on to the eldest child of the current ruler, male or female. The current matriarch is Countess Valindra Valmine, with Ettrean Valmine as her consort. Their daughter, Mithiope, is next in line. They despise getting their hands visibly dirty, and while they have a trained armed force, House Valmine frowns on what they call 'bloodsport' combat, preferring to keep their distance with ranged weaponry should things turn to battle, though this happens as rarely as they can control. They much prefer to exercise the will of the Tailory through diplomacy, bear in mind, to a Valmine, blackmail is a perfectly legitimate form of it. They promote a fierce sense of familial piety, with allegiance to the family placed at a high value within the young members of the House. Poise, elegance, tact, and cunning are upheld as virtuous, but the most important thing a Valmine must do is produce an heir. To fail at this task would be considered a moral failing of the highest degree, likely resulting in complete ostracization from the family.


They frown on bloodsports in combat. Blood is messy, and getting their hands dirty is beneath them.
Geopolitical, Marquisate
Training Level
Veterancy Level

Cover image: Crest of House Valmine by Vantablackpixel
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