Avari Species in Kalimdesh | World Anvil


The Avari, an extraordinary sapient race soaring through the skies of Kalimdesh, embody the union of various avian races. Aarakocra, owlin, harpies, and other feathered beings come together to form this majestic civilization, where the wind beneath their wings carries the echoes of diverse cultures and soaring dreams.   Inhabiting lofty aeries, mountain peaks, and hidden cliffs, the Avari are a testament to the grace and adaptability of avian life. Their appearance reflects the fusion of Aarakocra's avian-humanoid forms, Owlin's wise and feathered visage, and the haunting beauty of harpies with their wingspan that commands both awe and respect.   The Avari society is a harmonious blend of avian cultures, where each race contributes its unique perspectives, skills, and traditions. Aarakocra bring their affinity for elemental winds, Owlin contribute their knowledge and scholarly pursuits, while the spirited harpies infuse an air of creativity and passion into Avari communities.   Their aerial cities are marvels of architecture, suspended among the clouds or perched precariously on mountain peaks. Bridges woven from sturdy vines connect towering roosts, and nests are adorned with vibrant feathers, reflecting the artistic inclinations of the Avari. The cities are not only hubs of communal living but also centers of trade, where Avari merchants exchange goods and stories from distant lands.   The Avari's connection to the skies is not only physical but also spiritual. They possess the ability to communicate with birds and harness the power of wind, using it for both travel and defense. Avari rituals often involve elaborate aerial displays, showcasing their mastery of flight and the artistry of their avian heritage.   In times of need, the Avari soar into action as one, their wings creating a breathtaking spectacle against the backdrop of the open sky. Whether facing threats from airborne foes or embarking on quests to explore the far reaches of Kalimdesh, the Avari unite their strengths, demonstrating the power of solidarity and the boundless freedom that comes with flight.   As adventurers gaze upon the skies of Kalimdesh, they may witness the majestic flight of the Avariā€”a race that epitomizes the beauty of diversity, the strength of unity, and the endless possibilities that take wing in the vast expanse of the world.


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