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Both a short rest and a long rest have a distinct number of segments and each downtime activity has a specific number of segments it fills. If the party decides to take a short rest, but you don't need to recover, you can spend you time doing other things. Note: All class features that would be regained over a rest remain automatic and does not require an activity to achieve.

Short Rest

A short rest has a total of four segments and can be performed while in a non-hostile location.

Long Rest

A long rest has a total of seven segments and must be performed in a safe or secure location.


  The number of segments an activity takes is next to its name.

Brief Recovery (3)

You may spend any number of hit dice to recover hit points

Extensive Recovery (5)

You regain all hit points and up to half of your total hit dice

Research (2)

You spend time researching a specific topic. Name the specific topic you'd like to research. Once completed, your character gains 1 'hold'. This hold can be used to give yourself advantage on a single roll to recall information on the specific topic you researched.
If you research a new topic without spending your hold, the old hold is lost before gaining the new one.
To research a specific topic, your character must have the proper material to complete their research. Alternatively, you can spend a single-use from a bundle of books item.  

Training (2)

You spend time preparing your body or mind for the fights ahead. Describe how you train and pick an attribute that best fits the type of training you do. Once completed, your character gains 1 'hold'. This hold can use to give yourself advantage on a single attack roll or saving throw that uses the same attribute you trained.
If you spend downtime training without spending your hold, the old hold is lost before gaining the new one.

Personal Project (2)

You spend time working on a personal project. Name the projectand roll the proper skill, tool, or ability then check the table below to see how far you progress on your crafting clock.