Domus Novus

Domus Novus (or New Home) is the current capital of the newly founded Ager Terrena Idiomaris. It was once the Foreleni city of Longtide, and was renamed during the hand over following The Tharrisian War.   The city itself saw little combat during the war, and as such was one of the best places to set up a capital for the new nation.   The city has grown significantly since the war, going from a well respected Foreleni city to a bustling capital city that seems to grow by the year as more and more people from the new nation as well as refugees move there to find their fortune.


The city has attracted a surprisingly diverse population over the decades, a change from its previous Human and Half-Orc heavy populations. While Humans and Half-Orcs are still the majority, a large amount of Tieflings, Dragonborn, and Halflings have come to call the city home.


The city is overseen by one of the Sanctus Domini, the equivalent to a lord. Since it is the capital of the nation founded by Norixius Karen Impulsive, it was decided his family would hold the title of Sanctus Domini of the city. Since he is the First Dux however, the responsibilities for running the city fall to Norixius Cara Jumper, who often outsources the more logistical work to her staff.


The city is well defended due to its strong walls, devout soldiers, and geographic location.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization