Hells Gate

Hells Gate is mostly known for being the Dwarven city that first made contact with the Elves in the first era. It earned its from the lava gate, a massive flow of lava from deep in the earth that acts as the main gate to the city. The gate is opened by moving magical blocks that can alter the flow of the lava and allow people through.


Like most Dwarven cities Hells Gate is primarily craftsmen and soldiers, everyone pulls some weight for society, or they are exiled. The city is also mostly Dwarven, but has the largest concentration of Drow in the Dwarven Confederacy due to their proximity and alliance. Dwarves are at 85%, Duregar 7%, 8% other.


Hells Gate is ruled over by an elected monarchy. All Dwarves vote for the king after the old one dies.


The Lava Gate alone guards Hells Gate from most invasion. Add to that being underground and the strength of the Dwarves and it would be hard to take the Dwarven city.

Industry & Trade

Dwarves trade their wares and well-smithed items to the outside world. Additionally Dwarven Ale is particularly sought after in the above ground, if mostly for how volatile it is.


As one would expect blacksmiths, runesmiths, and other forms of smith are common.


Dwarven architecture is some of the strongest in the world, if a bit utilitarian. Though when built to honor the ancestors, their architecture can be as gorgeous as any elven architect.


Hells Gate is carved into the side of a mountain, and it runs deep into that mountain and far below.

Natural Resources

Hells Gate is rich in lava, natural stone, silver, and gold.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Lava
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization