Mundoli Musoon and Technomancy

Discovery, Scientific

250 – 350 1A

Mundoli Musoon was an esoteric Halfling. A talented Magi and inventor Mundoli spent his time wandering Kalin and the Fallen Cities learning as much as he could.   During the unexpected peace he began to make breakthroughs, and inadvertently invented the practice of Technomancy, or inventing technologies that used magic to operate.   While steam and gunpowder had been used up to this point to some effect it wasn’t until Mundoli started publishing his experiments and showing them to the lords and ladies of Kalin that people began to see the true potential of technology, especially melded with magic.   Many technologies we think of as common today such as airships, the elemental rails, and elemental flintlock weapons came from ideas that Mundoli had cultivated.