War of the Frozen Crown

Military action

622 – 640 2A

With the Crusaders bringing religion and culture back to the frozen Gir’An there was a cultural split.   After the Norse high chief died to retreating Crusaders there was a succession crisis. Split between traditionalists who wanted to keep things the way they were, new tribals who wanted to relent on their endless raids in the South, and the Royalists who wanted to forge their own kingdom out of the North a civil war ensued.   There was no clear winner of this war, and all three cultures wound up splitting. Many Norsemen would continue their raiding ways. Meanwhile the new “Northern Tribes” would reconnect with the Earth around them and become more peaceful, if isolationist, nomads. Finally the Royalists wound up forming their own small nation they call "Holriad." This split still lives on to this day.