The Tharrisian-Embrelian War

Military action

660 – 664 2A

Tharrisia, ever the expansionist Empire, decided that it needed to add another Fallen City to its burgeoning borders. To this end they declared war on the High Elves of Embrel, thinking that the time of the Elves had passed, and they would be easy pickings like Singlar.   What they found instead was a united and prepared Embrel who fought back with a ferocity unseen in Tharrisian wars up to this point. High Elf troop discipline was far beyond that of even the Tharrisian Legions and High Elf Mages and Wizards were capable of shattering entire formations of Tharrisian Legionnaires while Tharrisian war-mages were practically using parlor tricks in comparison.   In the end Tharrisia was handed the first major setback to its Imperialistic dreams and was forced to sign a peace treaty, including giving up some strategically useful territory the Elves would use to dissuade future attempts of aggression.