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Parithium Sickness

Parithium Sickness is caused by the particle exposure of raw Parithium. This disease is not widely known or studied amongst the world of Kalladestra as raw Parithium typically exists in the caves and mines in Irongard and a few only recently located in the Damocleus Pass Mountains.


Stage 1 - Initial Contact

Upon onset, the patient will experience a rash of sneezing, coughing, Burning sensations on skin or respiratory system, and nausea


Stage 2 -

After several hours/days, the patient will begin to experience vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and fever with leisions. Some patients reported difficulty breathing


Side Effects

Players become Confused and Roll Intellegence Saving Throws at Disadvantage.

Player must rest 12 hours to gain benefits of long rest


Stage 3 -

After several days, patients will experience exhaution for the most basic tasks. Patients will be required to drink double the amount of water required to stay hydrated. The patients may also begin to suffer from Hemoraging.


Side Effects

Players Str and Dex Saves are at Disadvantage

Player gains 2 levels of exhaution

Hemorraging - All Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage increased by 1d6.


Stage 4 -

As the patient enters the end stage every activity is almost too labored. Pateint begins to suffer from necrosis of lesions, respirations become extremely heavy and labored  

Side Effects

Players HP Maximum is reduced by 3d10

Player gains an additional 2 levels of exhaution

Hemorraging - All Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage increased by 1d6.    

Stage 5 - Death


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