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Spores of Zuggtmoy

The Reach Beyond The Abyss

Zuggtmoy is a powerful Demoness that can releases potent spores that can infect Humanoids and Beasts. Those fortionate enough to escape the Abyss can spread her influence into the material plane. Any creature that has been infected directly from Zuggtmoy has the potential to pass these spores to others, however the potency decreases significantly. Those who become infected with the spores immediately on a time clock, as, they risk becoming a husk for the Demoness to control at a whim. This disease has 4 Stages.


A Cure

A cure is not well known amongst the population of Kalladestra. However, there is some indication that Jameriqua Crestos, Brother of The Light may possess the know how to cure this infection on a small scale


Stage 1

Stage 1 is the intial infection stage. Here, the infected begin to have vivid hallcinations and communication directly with Zuggtmoy herself. Additionally, the infected will begin to exhabit strange new powers as described below.


  • Ability Score Adjustment: Up to a +1 bonus to Constitution, with an equal penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma


  • Signature Spells: Ray of sickness (1st level)


  • Spore Kissed: This creature is immune to the charmed and frightened conditions except by Zuggtmoy. In addition, if it is reduced to 0 hit points, each creature within 10 feet of it takes poison damage equal to its number of Hit Dice.


  • Servant of Rot: Every 24 hours, this creature must make a Constitution DC 15 Saving Throw against Zuggtmoy's influence. The infected must subtract any Constitution benefit gained from this condition and spell that provide a benefit to saving throws have no effect. On a success, nothing happens. On a fail, the infected progresses to Stage 2


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