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Vaxis Nightshade

Back Story


Vax Nightshade was born beneath the shimmering stars of the kingdom of Elnostria, a land steeped in magic and mysticism. From a young age, her affinity for the arcane arts was evident, drawing the attention of the renowned Belamosco School of Military Magic, the wizarding military academy and was selected for the Elaria Division, known for producing formidable battle mages. Eager to harness her potential and serve her kingdom, Vax joined the academy at the age of fourteen.


Elaria Division was a place of rigorous training, where Vax honed her natural magical abilities under the guidance of stern but skilled instructors. The academy's curriculum blended combat training with the art of spellcasting, emphasizing the fluid and deadly combat style of the bladesinger tradition. Vax quickly proved herself as a prodigious student, displaying a unique talent for seamlessly blending swordplay and magic.


During her time at the academy, Vax forged bonds with her fellow cadets, forming a tight-knit group that trained and fought together. They faced grueling challenges, from mastering intricate spell combinations to participating in mock battles that tested their teamwork and strategic thinking. Vax's determination and camaraderie with her friends allowed her to rise through the ranks and earn the prestigious title of "Bladesinger."


However, as Vax delved deeper into her studies, she began to feel a growing sense of unease. The rigid structure of the academy and its emphasis on conformity clashed with her independent spirit. She yearned for the freedom to explore magic in her own way, to experiment with spells beyond the confines of the academy's curriculum. The military hierarchy stifled her creativity, and she felt increasingly confined by the expectations placed upon her.


The turning point came during a mission to quell a magical uprising on the outskirts of the kingdom. Vax's team was dispatched to handle the situation, but the mission took an unexpected turn. Facing a powerful and unpredictable foe, Vax found herself relying not only on the techniques drilled into her at the academy but also on her instincts and improvisation. In that intense battle, she unleashed a surge of raw magic that turned the tide in their favor.


After the skirmish, Vax realized that her unorthodox approach had saved lives and accomplished what traditional tactics could not. This pivotal moment crystallized her decision to leave Elaria Academy and forge her own path. She parted ways with her friends and mentors, feeling a mix of sadness and excitement for the unknown journey ahead.


With her bladesinging skills and the vast knowledge she had gained from the academy, Vax ventured into the world as a wandering battle mage. She sought out ancient tomes, hidden libraries, and wise mentors to expand her magical repertoire beyond the limitations of her former training. Along the way, she encountered various challenges, from arcane mysteries to dangerous adversaries, all of which tested her resourcefulness and adaptability.


Vax's quest for self-discovery and mastery continues to lead her down uncharted paths, as she strives to become a true master of the arcane arts. While she carries the lessons and traditions of Elaria Academy within her, she is determined to shape her own destiny and leave an indelible mark on the world—one that is uniquely hers.


Militaristic Magic

Studying at the Belamosco School of Military Magic, allows Vax to increase the power of her spells. When rolling for spell damage, increase the damage dice by 1 of the die type.


Known Associates

Vedra Nightshade, General

Dartanin La'Gouche

Dah'liah Nigvaritum



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