BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The almost death of an almost god part 3

The snake watched him, deep in thought. The concept of names seemed to puzzle it.

Edwin tied himself to the branches around so he couldn't fall down anymore. It was a bit like a spiderweb he was tied into the middle of, but the floor was far and he would have to support the snakes weight to rescue it without either of them falling.

"So your name is Edwin-Lilly? And people call you that when the want to speak to you. How does one get such a name so people can call me to speak to me? I have never heard of them before." The creature stated.

Ed blinked. The concept that something intelligent enough to understand the concept of names didn't actually have a name had never occoured him. He had just gotten satisfied with his setup for the rescue mission. Now he paused. He should offer the poor thing a name before gathering it. After all it was quite sad nobody ever loved it enough to name it.

He thought that names also brought an identity with them. A concept of self. See himself. He was in theory an elf, but the name he was given was after two dear friends of his mothers. They were a lovely couple that had watched him a few times when he was a child and spoiled him with sweets and baked goods. They died much too soon in his opinion.

"Well usually your parents give you a name, at least that's how I know it. Sometimes people even give themselves a name. People can also have multiple names, but you'll learn that with time. Now can you raise your tail over here so I can grab it and pull you over?"

"Can you give me a name? I'd like to have one." The snake stretched it's tail over and winced. The change in position hurt because it put weight on an injury.

"Sure. I think I'll call you Featherwing. It seems like it fits. Now try to hold onto me once I've pulled you over." Ed grabbed the snakes tail and took it over to him a lot more, helping it wrap itself around a mix of him and the rope net he had made.

Then he finally had enough access to the wing where he could get to the tangled liana. Edwin cut the one holding Featherwing suspended in the air first, to get it unstuck first of all.

The creature seemed to relax a bit. The pull on it's wing had been genuinely painful and it was quite glad to not have that going on anymore. It was also quite glad to be out of there safely, without falling. It slitherd around Edwin-Lilly another time to give him better access to free it's wing from the liana.

Edwin did, gently cutting the liana off without injuring the wing any further. He had rescued a few animals in his time but this was definitely new for him.

"Thank you. Shall I carry you down to the floor?" Featherwing stretched it's wings, a gentle glow appering around the one that had been injured. The following movements seemed much smoother.

"That would be lovely yes. Let me just untie myself." Edwin replied while starting to open the first knot.

The almost death of an almost god Part 4


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