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The Calm Clam Calamity Dinner

It was one of those rare cool days in Summerset on which a lot of people dressed in their best clothes strolled througfh the streets. They came from all directions. The workers from the docks, the rich and mighty from their residences, the fishermen from their ships, the adveturers from all over and they all had the same destination: The Calm Clam.

It was the most famous seafood restaurant in the world, known for all kinds of delicacies from the sea, but tonight was special, even for those who frequented it. A yearly event had it's 150th aniversery on this moonlight filled night. The infamous Calamity Dinner.

For the uninitated, who missed what that even is. It is the only time and place in the entire world where one has the chance to eat a piece of Calamity fish. That fish got it's name from the first person that ever tried to eat one, Chef Duvar, the founder of The Calm Clam, who took pride it making almost anything from the sea an eatable dish.
The Calamity fish was his biggest achievement, because that fish is both technically poisonous and also becomes more and more as long as you're consuming it, effectively choking you to death. How to make it multiply on itsself only while cooking and not when you are eating it is the most guarded secret of the Duvar family. Duvar III, who is currently running the restaurant has refused to even mention the topic towards anyone outside the family for his entire life.

Charles has been a regular attendant of the Calamity Dinner ever since he was a child. His entire family would go every year to enjoy it and he promised himself every time that he wouldn't eat until he was nauseos this year. It had never worked so far, because the Calamity fish, despite being such an odd fish, was absolutely delicious when prepared right. Additionally, it was only ? (currency still needs thought) per person to eat as much as you liked on that night.

The house was always full of locals and Charles loved dining with everyone he knew and meeting new people. He hoped he could mabe find a partner for life this year ...


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