
Originally known as Waile, Hadrik has been well known for many things.


Hadrik is surounded by steep cliffs, mountains and hills. The summers are short and the winters are long. Small streams run through the areas everywhere and the ground is rich and wonderful. Tall pines and wild violets scatter through the forests in the spring, summer and autumn. In the winter, snow is deep, but the winds are low.


Winters are cold in Hadrik, sometimes bringing snow up to the waists of the tallest men. The wind can be biting and for much of the winter, the weather is below freezing. Spring sometimes takes quite long to come along, and when it does, it usually only lasts about a month before summer takes its turn. Summers are mild in Hadrik, not too hot; they usually last about two months before autumn comes. Autumn, like spring, only lasts about a month before winter shows its face once more.

Natural Resources

Hadrik is well known for its extremely pure gold and its rich fertile dirt. Miners and farmers intermingle so well, that many don't know the difference, although for a long while, when the Kings' Hadrik were in power, mining was much more common. Countries are always willing to conduct trade with the country of Hadrik because their gold is so pure. Even in their worst time, the enemy countries would attempt to find ways to trade with Hadrik. It was much easier than going after the gold themselves, as most people lost their lives in the effort of it.


The people of Hadrik are usually a tall race, the men reaching anywhere from six feet to six foot four inches and the women reaching five eight or five nine. The skin of the Hadrikian's is usually pale, especially the miners who spend their lives underground. Their hair varies in texture from straight to curly, and comes in every shade of golden imaginable. Their eye color ranges from the lightest to the darkest blue, sometimes hinting at gray. Dark eyes and hair are a rarity and at one time were even considered evil. Usually they are treated as foreigners, as most of the time, they are.
Dress The dress of most of the people of Hadrik is very simple as most of them cannot afford anything else. The men wear knee-length tunics tied at the waist with a belt and trousers that reach the ankles. The women wear high necked dresses that end just above the ankles and trousers similar to the men's. Shoes, if worn are usually simple leather with no soles.
The Settling of Waile
The first Settlers of Waile was a group of nine brothers. Tough and hearty, they managed to get over the nearly impenetrable mountains in the year four hundred and twenty one. Pieter Waile, the oldest of the group and their leader, was just turned twenty-one.
After building their homes and planting crops, Pieter and two of the brothers went back to the old country, Lertha, over the mountains to tell their friends and find wives. They came back with a group of twelve, including Pieter’s wife, Anya. Another expedition went back to Lertha again about ten years after Pieter’s, lead by Hans, the Eighth Brother. Hans came back with a group of twenty people.
“My brother Pieter was stubborn beyond belief, but he was also the reason we made it through that first winter, and we always knew he loved us.”
~ Jan Waile, The Sixth Brother

The Kings of Waile
Pieter’s eldest son, Brandt, became king when he was twenty-seven years old.
Pieter II was the third king of Waile, and he became king at the age of thirty-nine.
Rhys Pieterson was the fourth king of Waile. Marc Olson was the fifth king of Waile and was the nephew of Rhys, as Rhys never had any children.
Pieter III was the sixth king of Waile, but he died only two years after his ascension in an accident. His younger brother, Lars Marcson was the seventh king of Waile. Bór Larson, the eighth king of Waile was not a popular king. He raised the taxes considerably and demanded special favors. His son, Hans Bórson, the ninth king, was as unpopular as his father. He died when his son, Lars was a newborn. Lars II, the tenth king, took over his kingdom at the age of ten years old. His son, Brandt II was the eleventh king of Waile. He was not seen much by his people, but demanded a wall be built around the country, making it even more impenetrable. Virgil Brandtson, the twelfth king of Waile demanded the wall be taken down, so some of it was. He was highly popular with his people and known to be kind and generous, though rather wild. The thirteenth king of Waile, Olivier Virgilson was known for his yearly parties. other expedition went back to Lertha again about ten years after Pieter’s, lead by Hans, the Eighth Brother. Hans came back with a group of twenty people.
Pieter II was the third king of Waile, and he became king at the age of thirty-nine.
Rhys Pieterson was the fourth king of Waile. Marc Olson was the fifth king of Waile and was the nephew of Rhys, as Rhys never had any children.
Pieter III was the sixth king of Waile, but he died only two years after his ascension in an accident. His younger brother, Lars Marcson was the seventh king of Waile. Bór Larson, the eighth king of Waile was not a popular king. He raised the taxes considerably and demanded special favors. His son, Hans Bórson, the ninth king, was as unpopular as his father. He died when his son, Lars was a newborn. Lars II, the tenth king, took over his kingdom at the age of ten years old. His son, Brandt II was the eleventh king of Waile. He was not seen much by his people, but demanded a wall be built around the country, making it even more impenetrable. Virgil Brandtson, the twelfth king of Waile demanded the wall be taken down, so some of it was. He was highly popular with his people and known to be kind and generous, though rather wild. The thirteenth king of Waile, Olivier Virgilson was known for his yearly parties.

“King Olivier’s parties were highly sought after. Those who received an invitation spoke of it for the rest of their days.”
~ Ellis Hanson, Age Ninety-two.

The fourteenth king was Pieter IV, and was largely indifferent to the needs of the people. The fifteenth king, Ulvik Pieterson was a tyrant of the worst order. He hung people on accusation, terrorized and starved the people, raising taxes and exectuting harsh punishments.
His son, Ulvik II was nearly as bad as him, but with a lot less hanging, making the people almost relived.
Lars III, the seventeenth king of Waile was the last of that family of kings. The people, liking his younger brother Jan more, planned a rebellion to place Jan on the throne. Lars, hearing of this, executed Jan. Furious, the people attacked, killed Lars and placed their leader, Hadrik on the throne.
The Hadrikian Kings
Hadrik I was a popular king, but he chose a foreign wife on his travels east. She came back with him and soon became embittered towards the secluded way of living. Her husband died after only three years of marriage, leaving her with a two year old son, who became Hadrik II.
Hadrik II, like his mother, he hated the people, and held them in contempt. He made a command that the ruins of the wall King Brandt II had built once be rebuilt and raised the taxes higher.
Hadrik III made a decree that all the people age seven and older were required to swear allegiance to him. He also began to promote mining, discouraging the farming.
Hadrik IV decreed that all cats, snakes and bears be killed for their furs and skins. After a few years, the mice began to populate. He also banished his brother, whom he was bitterly jealous of. When an informant told him of an uprising, he managed to stop it, publically torturing the leaders. The rest of the members who were caught were never heard of again.
His brother, Jon, after five years of banishment, came back with an army he’d managed to gather, tricking the king into allowing him into the country by dressing as common travlers. Hadrik, gleeful at having new people to torment, allowed them in. Jon killed his brother and took over the raising of Hadrik’s son, Hadrik V who was only six years old at the time.
Hadrik V murdered his Uncle Jon when he was fourteen by stabbing him in his sleep. He decreed that all weapons should be turned in. Blacksmiths were either taken prisoner or they abandoned their trade. He also decreed that boys age fifteen must join the army. He began to encourage the attacking of the neighboring countries. The soldiers were well conditions, marching over mountains, and many spent the entirety of their soldiering years guarding the walls to make sure no one escaped. He also decreed that a man could leave the army at the age of thirty, as long as he was married.
Hadrik VI decreed that all things of bright colors were to be banned. No one was to smile, laugh or show any sign of excitement. Anyone caught showing a hint of smiling could be punished by hanging.
Hadrik VII began his reign by banning whispering. He added one of the most infamous rules nearly three years later, when his wife was crippled in a riding accident. He decreed that all doctors who helped a cripple could be punished by death. His son, not quite one year old at the time, was raised by his mother in near seclusion.
Hadrik VIII was accidentally kidnapped by a group of resistance members who, becoming his friend, decided he could replace his father on the throne when he was fifteen. Hadrik VII was taken prisoner and later hung and his son took over. Hadrik VIII, better known as King Hayes was a favorite of the people, promoting the farming that had died out and lowering the taxes.
by Shalyn, Made in Inkarnate
Hadrik's terrain is very mountainous.
Alternative Name(s)
Mountain / Hill

Cover image: by Perchance AI Generator


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Aug 4, 2024 23:45 by Lady Wynter

You put a lot of history into this and I like that. Though it did come across as a little, in my opinion. A minor note, it was odd to me that all the text is centered. But I was given a glimpse into this area, so thank you.

Bringing the Light
Aug 4, 2024 23:58 by Shalyn

Thank you so much! Hadrik was the first country I knew would be in my world, so I've definitely fleshed it out a lot more than any of my others. I'll try seeing how it looks without centered text after the judging is over.