
The brinoc looks very similar to a cat, although its face is a little wider. About the size of a bobcat, it ranges from light brown in color to black, but is usually a dark brown. Its fur is not short, but it is not overly long either. Its eyes are almost always green, but have been known to be blue or yellow in very rare occasions. Its tail, as long as an average house cat’s is covered in quills that when touched, embed themselves into the skin of the offender. If that isn’t enough, it can lift its tail and spray a very noxious spray that makes any enemy wish they had never come near to it.
Brinoc’s are a mammal and usually have between two to five babies that are completely helpless at birth. By the time they are two weeks old, they are able to begin fending for themselves and the mother of the babies leaves them as soon as they are five weeks old. Male brinoc’s have little or nothing to do with the cubs after they are born, but are no danger to the babies. A female commonly has two to three litters a year.
A brinoc’s diet consists of a lot of bugs and small animals along with some greens. Brinoc’s are not aggressive, and usually try to avoid confrontation of any sort, but if they feel as if they are in danger, they will spray. Most don’t get close enough to touch it, but the quills almost always deter anything that does.
Brinoc’s have very few natural enemies, although there have been a few instances of wolves eating them.
Brinoc’s typically live for three to four years but there have been records of them living up to eight years.
Brinoc’s live in forests of pine, but have been known to wander onto the hillier areas of Kalste.


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