Colochain Vulture

The Colochain Vulture thrives in the deserts, subsisting mainly in the country of Rolra. It may be found in surrounding countries sometimes. It mostly feeds on the carcasses of rabbits and free range cattle that wandered away from their homes in Dewersel. It also lives on any other carcasses it can find.
The Colochain Vulture about three feet in length and their wing span usually measures about seven feet. Their feathers can range from black to brown, the most popular being the shimmering black ones whose feathers gleam green or purple in the hot sun. They have no feathers on their face, making it easy for them to feed. Their eyes are black and gleaming and their beaks and feet are dark gray.
The nesting duty of a Colochain is shared by both parents. Typically, only one egg is laid in a Colochain nest, but it has been known to be two. Colochains’ usually build their nests on the ground, under a large bush or in tall grass to keep them hidden. After incubation starts, it takes about forty-five days for a Colochain chick to hatch. The fledgling period for a Colochain starts at about two and a half to three months. They leave their parents about four or five months after fledgling. A Colochain is estimated to survive about twenty-two to twenty-four years.
An adult Colochain is not vulnerable to predators most of the time, but a nest with eggs or chicks is the target of many desert animals. Snakes, wildcats, hawks, coyotes and some lizards will attempt to rob a nest if they seen one. The Colochain parents will become extremely aggressive if they feel that their nest is in danger.
The tribe of A’kan believes the Colochain vulture to be a sign of bad luck, while the tribe of Harrin considers the sight of a Colochain vulture to be a sign of the best of luck.
by NightCafe
The Colochain Vulture

Cover image: by Perchance


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