Floralis Festival

The people in the Southwest of the continent of Aitella and the Northeast of Eaylon are known for their rigorous and strict traditions concerning the Floralis Festival. In contrast, the festival is not held in as high esteem in the East of Keoria and down into the continent of Brysken, and in some places, it is not celebrated at all.
The Floralis Festival does not have a specific day set. In some areas, it is celebrated on the last day of spring; in others, on the longest day of summer, the last day of summer, or the first day of summer. In some cities, as the sun rises, the king, governor, or another high official hangs the first flower on their balcony, followed by the people. In villages and small towns, the entire community usually gathers, often partying the entire day with food, drink, and games.
The pride of all who hang up flowers is that they are real. Hanging up an artificial flower of any sort is considered a breach of conduct. In many places, it is also considered bad luck if the first flower hung up is not grown by the family in the house. By the end of the day, gardens are considerably poorer, but villages, cities, and towns are profusions of beautiful color. After the sun goes down in many of the villages, the young people light candles and parade the town, lighting up the streets and sometimes singing songs.
I always like to sit on the hill above my village after the sun goes down and watch the children parade the streets. Flickering candles make the flowers brighten and darken and when they sing it is the most beautiful sight a person can see.   ~Agnes Hill, Maxindal
Many consider it the best luck to get married during the Floralis Festival. Even the poorest people can get seeds, even if it is in a poor basket. As winter nears its end, many rich and middle-class people carry flower seeds in their pockets, passing them to any beggars they encounter.

Cover image: by Perchance/FaceShape


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Aug 19, 2024 01:08 by Deleyna Marr

I love this culture and their value of flowers and personal investment in the growing.

Aug 19, 2024 02:43 by Shalyn

Thank you!