Fruit Leather

Two cups of Berries or Fruit of choice

A quick dash of citrus juice

Sweetener to taste
Wash the berries or fruit, and if needed, peel and take off any leaves or pits. Harder fruits, like apples need to be boiled until soft after being cored. Berries can be smashed without boiling, but it make it easier to smash them if they are warm. Once they are ready to smash, place them in a bowl or pot and using a wooden mallet or something of that nature, smash until smooth. If using blackberries, it is usually preferable to strain the seeds after smashing, although it takes time. Strawberries can keep their seeds. Once it is smooth, add the citrus juice and sweetener and stir until mixed. Next, grease a wooden board well and spread the fruit mixture on it. Bake on extremely low heat, preferably over-night. Use a knife to cut into squares of preferred size and wrap in a piece of cloth. Tie the cloth with a piece of string and it is ready to sell.
*The recipe can be doubled, tripled or quadrupled.
In the city of Bellar, in the country of Bethsiland, there is a tiny shop on the corner of Traveler’s Highway and Settlers Road. The smell of the shop travels along the street, making many stop to appreciate it.
by Night Cafe
Inside the shop, a lady, whom everyone knows as Mother Palam, is usually found stirring pots of boiling apples or smashing bowls of berries for preparation in the oven. On a shelf to the side, rows of cloth rolled fruit labeled with the flavor sit, ready for buying.  
by Perchance/FaceShape Studio


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