
There are several tribes in Hisiben, not often seen and as wild as the land itself. They are best known for their sudden attacks on the more civilized areas of neighboring countries. Descriptions of their looks vary widely as it is not well known, but the one thing agreed upon is that they seem to be short and stocky.


Hisiben is extremely hot and dense, a tropical jungle. Wild rivers run through it, teaming with fish and reptiles. The terrain is rough and full of steep inclines and sudden drops. Vines and roots tangle through it making it hard to walk.


Hisiben is subject to tsunamis, hurricanes, and quakes, especially on the coast. It has at least three active volcanoes hidden in its foliage. The consistant rain during some seasons also causes flooding in high degrees in certain areas. Most people deem it unlivable.

Fauna & Flora

Several species of fish, reptiles, birds and mammals have been spotted in the jungles of Hisiben. The largest known recorded animal to be seen in Hisiben was a species of tiger. 


There is not much recorded history of Hisiben, other than its name. The explorer who discovered the area named it after his favorite hero.
*The man who named Hisiben was himself named Ry Athel.

*Hisiben was named after a war hero named Gratham Hisiben. He was killed during the wars of Hardavan.
*The biggest quake the world of Kalste has ever known is suspected to have originated in Hisiben.
*Hisiben has many strange animals not known to exist anywhere else in the world.
*Hisiben is the thickest known jungle in the world of Kalste.


Hisiben is not well explored and the only visitors that are really known to go there are the most avid of explorers looking for new places to see.
by Shalyn, Made in Inkarnate

Cover image: by Perchance


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