Ice Boxes

Ice boxes first became known of after a lady by the name of Rana Lorristion got tired of her food going bad and commanded her husband to dig her a hole in the ground. Next, she placed blocks of ice down in and covered them with planks, before setting her food on top and covering the whole thing with more planks.
“They’re the most wonderful invention ever made!”
~Jayne Kal, a housewife

It worked. The popularity of the ice boxes gained and grew like wild fire, especially among the middle class and lower class populations. Ice grew in high demand, leading to a lot of trade with the continent of Lini. People began looking for ways to keep ice from melting for longer periods of time, as well as making their ice boxes. Mrs. Lorristion’s ice box was built in the year one thousand and two, in the country of Thaurd.
Ice Boxes could keep items cold for weeks and in the winter, for months. However, it was recommended to use things before a couple of weeks unless they managed ways, not only to keep items cold, but also to freeze them. Depending on the country and the climate people were in, it could be much easier or harder to freeze food.
One man came up with the idea of lining his cellar with ice from top to bottom. It was extremely cold, and kept even large chunks of meet frozen, or at least cold in the winter. Only the highest class could afford that much ice, however, as in many places, ice was hard to come by, and hard to harvest.
There was even an attempt to make elaborately designed ice boxes with beautifully colored planks and a small compartment for the ice. It was just supposed to get buried altogether. It was not a popular idea for long.

Cover image: by Perchance


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