Lars Janson

Lars Janson was born in the country of Hadrik in the nine hundred and seventy-five during the years of the worst oppression the country ever experienced.
Lars’ mother, Hana began teaching him to read before he could talk, in the evening after the mining was over. He was reading proficiently by the time he was four years old and by the time he was six, he had read every book in the village. He began repeating the books to his friends before he finished reading them and made up his first story to comfort his friend Earl, after Earl’s brother Anders was taken away for defying the king. Over the next few years, he invented all sorts of stories to explain the tyranny of the king, and generally, just for fun.
As joy in any form was illegal, Earl began to convince Lars to only tell him the stories, as many were suspicious of the excitement Lars showed when telling the stories. Most of his first stories were only ever heard by his best friend.
"He might, except that he gets too excited. He gets his most gleeful when he’s trying to convince me that King Hadrik is an immortal being who’s been in power for at least seven hundred years.” ~Earl Swenson, when asked if Lars would make a good spy.
When Hadrik VII was overthrown and his son, King Hayes was place on the throne, Lars was allowed to leave the country at the age of sixteen, being a friend of the king. He enrolled in a school designed just for those who wanted to become storytellers. He excelled in his school, becoming one of the best storytellers it had ever known.
"I've seen many storytellers in my day, but never one quite as enthusiastic and talented as Mr. Janson." ~Professor Gerald Green, Storytelling School 
He returned home a few years later, with a wife and a repertoire of stories to tell. He traveled the country, bringing joy to whoever asked, by telling them of legends, tales and histories that they wanted to hear.
Lars Janson died at the age of sixty-eight, leaving behind his wife, his seven children and his nine grandchildren, as well as an entire country of admirers.
Lars Janson, Age 12

Cover image: by Perchance
Character Portrait image: by Face Shape AI Generator


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