
There are many different religions and beliefs in the world of Kalste. One of the most debated and controversial points among many people is whether The God, Talean or The God Mytari won in a fight for the world. There are religions worshiping both. One thing both groups do agree on, however, is that Mordath is the spirit who is the tempter of all evil.
It is said that Mordath was a cousin to Talean and Mytari, and when Talean and Mytari were chosen to build the world, he grew angry, as he was jealous of Mytari and had tried to convince the Gods to choose him. In a rage, he swore that he would claim as many of the souls that Mytari and Talean owned as he possibly could and for a time, he vanished, where neither Mytari or Talean could find him.
After Kalste was built and the first men were put upon it, Mordath reappeared, and as he had promised, began his work, convincing souls to become evil, so as to become his.
All who believe in Mordath fear him greatly, and there are many ceremonies to keep him out of the dwelling places of the people. Mordath is said to come in the night and try to convince children that he is wonderful. It is said that he can disguise himself as anyone, and his deceit is fearful to behold. However, if the deterrants, such as brightly colored flowers above all doors and windows or a lantern above the door always kept burning, are in place, he cannot come. Mordath is said to be afraid of anything joyful or full of light. Many people wear brightly colored clothes or decorate their hair with shiny ribbons to fend of Mordath, while others carry torches or mirrors, which reflect the light of the sun so well.

Cover image: by Perchance


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