Ring of the Seventy Bears

Along the borders of Dovlands and Eledoner myths, legends, and tales blur together, leaving many confused as to what is true and what is imagination.
One of the favorite myths of the villagers along Mount Isa is The Ring of the Seventy Bears.
Universally believed outside of the two countries, it is a running joke among many of the small villages that it was one of many tales made up to keep tourists away from them. The story is suspected to have started with only two bears involved, but it is now a settled seventy bears.
“Between Mount Isa and Mount Trent, the forest of the Legacy Fruit and the River of Time lay side by side, bringing many of the most greedy to take what is not theirs. The Ring of the Seventy Bears was formed by Mytari, the God of all things. When anyone with bad or selfish intentions enters the Forest of the Living, the seventy bears can feel it. At most times, the bears stay in one place and appear to be trees, but when they sense evil, they turn into their true forms and surround the culprit. Only one man has ever come away from the Ring of Seventy Bears alive to tell the tale, and it is because his intentions had not been as evil as most. He apologized to the bears, who allowed him to leave, although they did cut off one of his hands.”

~The Ring of the Seventy Bears, as told by Carthan Harris

The myth varies from village to village, some saying none have escaped and some saying several have escaped. Outside of the countries, it is popularly believed that none have escaped. Many of the best additions it received were in the taverns after everyone had a few good drinks.
“It did work. Tourists stopped coming and we had our privacy once more.”

~Alla Ereth, Serving Girl at the Old Days Tavern

Cover image: by Perchance


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