The Dance Place

In the village of Hillisboro, there is a building built by Lord Namen James Hugh Point when he was twenty years old. The son of the village's lord, Namen was well known for his love of parties and excitement. He proved this by constructing what is now known in Hillisboro as The Dance Place.
With more windows than any other building for hundreds of miles and a brightly painted door, it quickly became a favorite gathering spot. Despite being a lord, Namen was not too mighty to allow the villagers full access to his new building. The villagers, in turn, were always very polite when they entered, and they took great pride in the fact that no window has ever been broken by any of them.
  Lord Namen frequently hosted spontaneous parties, sending invitations to every villager in town and encouraging them to bring anyone they wanted. He even invited dancing instructors to teach the villagers so they wouldn’t disgrace themselves in front of his friends. Many of his friends disapproved of Namen’s free ways, but he would just laugh and tell them not to come if they didn’t like it. Nevertheless, they always showed up.
The best days for the village children were when Namen organized treasure hunts in the large building, inviting everyone to join. He would hide candies, fruits, flowers, and books in every nook and corner, giving everyone a set time to hunt for treasures with large sacks in hand. Once the time was up, he would invent other games until every stone and corner had been searched and examined.
If a wedding was to take place, he would invite the couple to have it there, and no one ever turned him down. Birthdays, holidays, and picnics also regularly accepted his invitation to make use of The Dance Place.
by Perchance AI Generator
The Dance Place

Cover image: by Perchance


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