The End of the World

As many myths and legends before it, the myth about the end of the world comes from the people along the borders of Eledoner and Dovlands. The myth concerning the end of the world is one of the few that the villagers and townsfolk themselves actually believe in.
"The River of Time runs alongside the Legacy Forest, so quiet that no one can here it unless you put your ear against its water. When Mytari, God of all things designed the river, it was for the purpose of raising healthy crops and beautiful trees that would bring food for the people, even in the winter. However, people began to get greedy, and wanted the water to drink for themselves, attempting to bring themselves eternal life on this world. When one man decided to drink it, it kept him alive, never aging. Whe He found out, Mytari was angry, and he used the only curse that could cause it to reverse. He caused a blight to fall upon the world that will slowly kill it, and in eight thousand years, the world will be dead. It killed the man immediately and also anyone else who had ever consumed the water. There were not many, but there were a few, some of who no one knew had even drank it. He informed the Keeper of the River that there is only one way to end the curse, and that is to keep all humans away from it for the same amount of time, eight thousand years. So far its been only a thousand years and we’ve managed to keep all the curious and greedy folk from it. If it is at all possible, we mean to continue to keep it that way.”
~A villager’s explanation when an angry tourist protested his treatment.

Cover image: by Shalyn, using NightCafe


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