The Glynn Alders Charity

The Glynn Alders Charity for the Poor is an organization set up by the villagers of Underville. Named after a lady whom everyone adored, it was set up after her death. It was organized to help all the poor people in the village and outside the village, beggars and all.
Glynn Alders was known by everyone as the lady who gave away everything.
“I know just the person who needs that! Thank you!” ~Glynn Alders, on receiving the gift of a blanket.
All the villagers took turns bringing a meal to her house and eating with her, so that they could make sure she didn’t give it away to someone.
When she died, someone proposed the idea of a charity in her name. It was an instant success. Everyone donated, they assigned the village priest to be in charge and numerous volunteers began finding all the different people Glynn had helped. They soon found that it wasn’t just the poor. If anyone needed anything, she’d find a way to get it for them. The whole village had been an object of her generosity at one time or another.
In view of this, they organized the charity a little different, making it into more of a center for anyone who needed anything. If someone needed something they couldn’t afford, they informed the village priest. He told the villagers, who found a way to get it.
Glynn Alders received the news of her husband’s death in battle just after she lost all three children during the First War of Hardavan within two days. She nearly died, and when she got better, she was very quiet. Soon she began finding ways to help others, to keep her mind occupied and it became her legacy.
It was later found that her husband had been taken prisoner and had survived, for he came home to find his family was all dead. Glynn died of pnemonia twelve years after her children died.


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