The Insulting Letter

In the year one thousand two hundred and twenty one, just after a treaty was signed between the two kingdoms, the king of Reuv, King Jamis, who was well known for resenting women, sent the Queen of Drasynia, Queen Yira, a letter, insulting her intelligence, her right to rule and her way of living.
The result was to be expected, a war. For three years, the war raged on, leaving the countryside ravaged and the people terrified.
King Jamis was killed in the second year, and his son King Harlay became the king. The first official act King Harlay fulfilled was to send a very firm apology to Queen Yira, who was convinced by her councilors to accept it.
It wasn’t until the year one thousand six hundred and one that a forgery expert declared the letter to be false. The debate it sparked was sudden and widespread. King Jamis, by now, had been considered a villian and it was hard for most to accept the fact that it might have been someone else who had written the letter.
Another forgery expert was called in, but he declared it to be genuine after three years of study. The first forgery expert made a speech, proving all the reasons why he considered it a fogery, causing the king at that time to call in a third expert, who didn’t take long to agree with the first assessment.
For the next twenty-five years, expert after expert was called in, ranging themselves on one side or the other. They began to call on Reuv requesting more samples of King Jamis’s handwriting, comparing, debating and finding evidence to support their claims.
To this day, the debate is not settled, and is a high favorite among all students who love history. Even after the Wars of Hardavan, the letter was still debated strongly. In some cases, it has even caused physical altercations to take place, but for the most part, it is a friendly competition.
by Shalyn


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