The Islands of Peace

Centered between the continents of Eaylon, Aitella and Keoira sits a small group of islands, known as The Islands of Peace. An islands built from its volcanoes, it enlarges a little every time one of them goes off. The region is sub-tropical, and very hot, and the islands themselves get very little rain, except for during the monsoon season. Many of the beaches are extremely rocky, while others are sandy and soft. The rocky ones can be particularly dangerous because of unexpected drop-offs.
The Islands of Peace are occupied by a group of priests who believe breaking all association with others is cleansing to the soul. They welcome any priest who desires the same peace. The islands are owned by the country of Quai, but the king gave the priests the right to allow and refuse anyone to come to or leave them, essentially giving them the land, although he reserved the right for the King or Queen of Quai to change the rights and rules if they so desire.
Every year, in February, the priests allow visitors to come tour the islands for three days, while they themselves take their yearly journey to the Holy Mountains of Erventob.
The most common meals for the priests are the crabs that stay on the shore when the tide leaves as well as bananas, mangos and oranges for fruit, which they plant and raise in small orchards. Many of them keep gardens as well. Their shelters are usually just palm fronds held up by sticks or wood of some sort. Some of them just sleep under the trees. Parrots are often trapped and trained by the priests and taken with them as their companions. Most of the priests do not live near each other, preferring to stay apart in their own little corner of the world.
by SadieMae, Inkarnate
The Islands of Peace

Cover image: by Perchance


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