The Resistance

When Hadrik was at its worst, ‘The Resistance’ was a group of people who did anything and everything they could think of to defy King Hadrik VII. It was kept extremely secret, for anyone caught assisting in the resistance was sent into lifetime slavery. Those that were considered ‘leaders’ were tortured publicly and then killed in private.
Much of the Resistance had no official leader and a lot of it consisted of people already wanted by the king for petty ‘crimes.’
Many of the ‘resistance’ members, did nothing other than smile in public as a sign of resistance. Smiling, even in one’s own home could cost someone their life. There were others however, who did much more than smile or wear a colored ribbon in their hair. There were those who donated their money, time and even their lives to helping the hungry funding doctors who dared to help those that were crippled, another crime.
One of the most notable leaders of the resistance was a sixteen year old lad named Anders Swenson.
He was taken from his family and placed in the most dangerous parts of the city mines at the age of seven for refusing to pledge allegiance to the king.
Instead of succumbing to grief and terror like so many others, he began finding like minded friends in the mines.
“They used to be, but some of my friends and I found ways to put up supporting beams so they’re a lot safer, something the king definitely does not know.” ~Anders Swenson, when asked if they were in the dangerous mines.

They found a way to get out of the mines during the night and managed to bribe someone to smuggle things into the country that they needed. His price was extremely high, so the boys began setting aside a very small amount of the gold they found each day for the king. They always tried to be back before daylight, for if one of them was missing, the king took five people off the streets and made them slaves. Later when some of the other resistance members who lived out of the mines, as free men accidentally kidnapped young Prince Hadrik, Anders helped him overthrow his father and take the throne. He became the captain of the guard for King Hadrik VIII, better known as King Hayes.
“In a kingdom where silence is a binding chain,
Uniformed soldiers, unaware of disdain,”
“A foreigner arrives, in a silent parade,
Defeating the soldiers, their composure betrayed!”
“Oh, the kingdom stands still, as the silence breaks,
The foreigner laughs, with each step he takes.
Mocking the king, with a victorious cheer,
In the echoes of laughter, the kingdom's fear.”
~A song made up by a foreigner when he defied the soldiers of the king.

The Resistance took it up as a favorite; it spread far and wide, bringing many to the edge of revolt.
by Perchance AI Generator/ FaceShape Studio
Anders Swenson

Cover image: by Perchance


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