The Royal Protection

I swear on the life of my forefathers that I will give my all, if it be my health or my life to protecting the royal family.

~Oath Given to Join the Royal Protection

The Royal Protection was the brainchild of Lieutenant Derith Havers, a young man of twenty years at the time.
When King Aladar was voted into power, many of the politicians were very angry, especially since he replaced the ones who were willing to resort to corruption.
Three attempts had been made on the life of the king and he had assigned guards to all his family members as well as himself. On an early autumn morning when his sixteen year old son, Prince Orell went hunting, one of his personal guards attempted to kill him. Lieutenant Havers, also one of the guard, managed to get himself between the two of them, taking the arrow through his own person. He managed to survive with a nasty scar on his lower chest.
King Aladar, grateful beyond words, asked the lieutenant what he wanted, and even offered him the position of Great-General, the highest position a man can gain without being the king himself.
Lieutenant Havers refused the offer, and instead proposed his own idea to the king.
He wanted a group of people, who would give an oath to serve the royal family with their life. He would then train them in a particular skill set that he had been trained in as a young child, part of which was the art of being able to make a weapon out of anything on hand. Havers himself would offer those he thought were trustworthy and willing to join, and he alone would know every person in the group.
Having a gift for remembering anyone while he saw them, he promised not even to write their names down, as it was something that could be found.   King Aladar accepted the idea, and allowed the lieutenant free reign to do whatever he wanted with his idea, even agreeing not to know who would be guarding him and his family.
Slowly, the lieutenant incorporated his newly trained guards into the castle, as servants or all sorts. There were lords and ladies and even the lowliest beggars who were offered a place in the Royal Protection if the lieutenant thought they would be loyal and do their job. Soon, he had them under guard at all times, mostly by a group of younger people.
Many of them were actors and actresses of the best sort, amusing those of the Protection who knew they were part of it and exasperating the rest of the world with their ‘stupidity’ or their ‘dandyism.’
One young lady became one of the most devoted wallflowers in the entire country. She brought a book to the balls she went to, sitting in the corner to ‘read’, always keeping an eye on whichever of the royal family she had been told to attend to.
There were seven members of the royal family at the time, King Aladar himself, and his wife, Queen Jera. His oldest child was Prince Orell, and he had four younger children, one just a newborn when he became king.
The Protection slowly grew, becoming a myth among the people. Several assassinations were stopped by the Royal Protection, some of which the royal family never knew about. When the lieutenant retired many years later, he turned the Protection over to his most trusted friend who did not have his gift, and thus wrote everything down, although he kept it on his person at all times.
The Royal Protection is now an old and trusted way to keep the royal family safe, and most of the world still does not know about it.
by Perchance AI Generator
Lieutenant Derith Havers

Cover image: by Shalyn


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Aug 11, 2024 14:23 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the idea of just training a bunch of ordinary people! It's kind of a shame that Haver's successor had to write things down, but nice that they have still managed to keep it a secret. It sounds like even the royal family doesn't know who all could be protecting them at any given moment. I particularly liked the mention of the wallflower who would read at parties. She reminds me of Tris, from Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic series (who likewise, tends to look unassuming, but is a force to be reckoned with.)

Aug 11, 2024 17:06 by Shalyn

Thanks! This was one of my most enjoyable ones. I have a bunch of stories in my head about several different characters involved in it. I decided to make so that the successor had to write it down because I knew it had to be in the records somehow if its know as a 'real' thing and not just a legend.