The Talix

The Talix is a disease that has never been known to end with anything but death. The first signs of The Talix is tingling behind the eyes. Once The Talix sets in, it can take anywhere from ten days to ten years to kill a person. Once the tingling behind the eyes begins, it slowly spreads, causing severe headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and finally, leg pain. Many consider it the most painful way to die, and in some places the worst insult you can give someone is to wish them to get The Talix.
The Talix has no pattern as who can get it or where, and it is not a disease spread by physical means of any sort.
Sometimes, the tingling will come and go for a few weeks before setting in earnest, slowly spreading. The pain will come and go, although sheer physical pain is considered to be the cause of death.
The first known recorded case of The Talix was mention in the diary of a Doctor Tron, who was studying a patient of his in the year seven hundred and seven. He kept close note on it, describing the symptoms as they came and suspected cause of death, in that case a stopping of the lungs.
Many times, The Talix will cause a vital organ to stop before the pain becomes to great, especially those that have weak lungs, a weak heart or a weak liver, which can’t hold up under the strain.
Several pain relievers have been designed to help, although there was a large scandal once when a ‘doctor’ sold his ‘Talix Reliever’ which was found to be a capsule of poison. He was executed on several counts of murder. There was a lot of controversial arguments as to whether it was an act of compassion or an act of hatred.

Cover image: by Perchance


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