Traveling Carriages

Jerril Waysing decided to invent a more comfortable mode of travel for his mother, who loved to travel. However, she was an invalid, and the pain of the carts bumping and bouncing made her ill. He was fifteen when he first began sketching and twenty-two before he made his first attempt at building. By the time he was twenty-eight, his invention had become popular.
Previously, the usual mode of transportation had been simple carts with wooden seats inside for travelers to sit in. At first, Jerril's traveling carriages were small and inconveniently built, moving extremely slowly, but they provided a comfortable place to rest. Determined to improve his invention, Jerril aimed to create a carriage that was both fast and comfortable. It wasn't until he designed and built his fourth carriage that it began to gain popularity, especially among the upper class.
"They're wonderful! I find myself looking for an excuse to go out just so I can ride in my carriage." ~ Lady Rilla Goy
Designed to be led by either two or four horses, these carriages quickly gained precedence over traditional carts. Despite their growing popularity, not everyone approved of them, as they led to an increase in tourists in the bigger cities. After Jerril's initial invention, other inventors began to improve upon his designs, resulting in various styles and shapes of transportation. The upper class preferred elaborate and elegant vehicles, while merchants and the middle class usually requested simple, practical carriages.
Blacksmiths, designers, and craftsmen found themselves in high demand, and many merchants began to incorporate carriage parts into their businesses to sell. Popularity boomed, spreading across the world. Within three years of his fourth design, Jerril had become rich. He went on to invent several other things, and his son followed in his footsteps, setting a pattern for the family of Waysing.
by Perchance AI Generator
These sketches were taken out of Jerril Waysing's notebook and put on display in the Historical Museum of Alin-Paxtor.
by Perchance AI Generator
Jerril Waysing, Age 17

Cover image: by Perchance


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