
In the southern parts of Keoria, the subject of religion became seriously discussed after the Croskin Plague was finally dying down. One of the most popular religions of the day was Trevylian, a religion that believed the merits of dancing, reading, singing and parties.
Trev’s, a break off from the Trevylians had slightly different views. Singing and reading, they approved of, but dancing and parties, they said, were a sign of the devils. To the Trevs, music was a most sacred thing, to be used for the most solemn of occasions and at all times to be respected and revered.
Some of the best music in the world of Kalste is believed to have been written by the Trevs.
Trevs never grew to a be a large group, most not wanting to give up the parties that Trevs so strongly disapproved of. Most Trevs could play any musical instrument they were given to try and all had a wonderful ear for music.
Music was played at weddings, funerals, and for a child when he or she came of age. All Trevs devoted any spare time they could get to the study of music in every form.
Aili, they said was the God of all music and it was said that a piece of his heart was in every tune played and every song sung. The Trevs varied in occupations, mostly the lower class, farmers, blacksmiths, and carpenters making up a great part of them.
The Trevs did form a few schools for their children so as to teach them the sacredness of music from an early age.
Meetings never consisted of anything except the playing and singing of tunes, new and old. The Trevs are still a religion to this day, quiet, unobtrusive and very musically inclined. It is considered a sign of good luck to get a Trev as a music teacher.


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