Trevylian Slang

The Trevylian Religion is a religion that is quite popular in the southern parts of the continent of Keoira. The majority of the Trevylians are higher-class, with a good sprinkling of middle-class and very few poor people or families.
The opinion of the lower-class is that most people who are part of the Trevylian religion only joined it so that they can say that they are being good and following through with their religion while they party and have fun. The religion is looked upon with disapproval by many of the hard-working class.
The Trevylians worship the Gods Taivrin, Rakald and Lirus, who they say built the world to send their children on it. Trevylians believe that all good comes from lots of communication. Parties, dances, and lots of visiting are high on their priorities whenever they get time. The Trevylians meet at the church house one a week to have a dance with the any of them who come. Many times, it ends with half of them getting carried home by their companions
The language of the Trevylians varies from country to country, but the basic slang has stayed prettty much the same despite the differences in languages.
However, a lot of the younger generations do like to come up with new words and sayings.

Reveler: A person who is the life of any party. It is used as a very high compliment.
Raver: Very similar to reveler, raver is usually used in less formal occasions.
Drag: An insult used for someone who doesn’t like parties. It is often used as a slur for people of other religions.
Dance Off: A spur of the moment dance.
Un-inept: Someone who is a terrible dancer
Stringer: An uninvited guest
Over-top: A wild party
Slowified: A boring party
Toggled: Someone who is extremely drunk, but still on their feet

Cover image: by Perchance


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Aug 12, 2024 02:29

Nine slang terms whets my appetite without fully satisfying me. More would be better.   Is dancing the cornerstone of Trevylian society or is it just that dancers are more apt to make slang terms than the rest of society?

Aug 12, 2024 03:46 by Shalyn

Partying is the cornerstone of the Trevylian society, but as almost all parties have at least some dancing, I guess it could be said that it is dancing. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'll definitely be adding more after the judging is over. Thanks!