

The Country of Treyvol, centered in the middle of the continent of Keoira has a few forests, but is mostly plains, The Alya River runs through it, the main source of water for many inhabitants across the country.


Treyvol has high temperature summers and low freezing winters. During but summer and winters, there is a persistent amount of wind that blows, especially in the vast spaces of plains.

Fauna & Flora

Treyvol has high temperature summers and low freezing winters. During but summer and winters, there is a persistent amount of wind that blows, especially in the vast spaces of plains.
Antelope, jackrabbits, and lizards abound on the plains of Treyvol and different species of grasses and flowers make their appearance in the ground. In the forest areas, it is mostly cottonwoods and elms.

Natural Resources

The main resource in the country of Treyvol is the crops, such as wheat, corn and barley grown across the lands, although on the northern end, there is a small oil mine that brings in a lot of trade.


Treyvol’s first settlers arrived somewhere in the early six hundreds, a large group of people anxious for their own lands. The first King of Treyvol was King Eiln I, chosen by the people not long after they settled. His daughter Queen Lina was the next leader, followed by her daughter Queen Helean. When Queen Helean was queen, the Larstaxan’s attacked the country, and the King of Larstax, King Olinn became king. When he had been king for five years, the people of Treyvol lead a revolt, attacking Olinn and freeing Helean. Once more she became their queen. Generations passed, Queen Helean’s daughter, grandson, great-grandson and great-great-granddaughter all took the throne in their time. The great-great-great grandson of Queen Helean, King Lav was an ambitions young man, and raised himself an army, which he lead against the small country of Pola, which stood on the northeast of Treyvol, taking it as his own.
There have been many kings and queens of Treyvol, and to this day, they are descendants of King Eiln I.

Cover image: by Perchance


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