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talisman of pleasant dreams wip

this talismen grants pleasent dreams to the owner or anyone under it. it wards all curse effects related to sleeping or dreams and weakens status afflictions while sleeping as well as increasing recovery speed.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

though you'd never know it the inside of the tent is a series of rings, with strings woven between them. its magic reads as both arcane and spiritual.


the talismen of pleasant dreams is old, tribes tell a legend of an ancient spirit of dreams, powerful and kind, its name forgotten, this trinket. a small charm, comprising a small cylinder tented with fine fabric, the inner contents are not clear, though the fabric is still smooth and shiny. small charms dangle from its frills, each glimmering sparkling or appearing strangle in texture or visual, each finely carved. a heart a star a fish a symbol forgotten by time. as the story goes, once there was a great union of tribes working together in harmony. but as they had found peace war had found them. one day a hunting band was out hunting they wandered into a wood, and when they came out, they found themselves near a band of humans. the tribesmen were curious they went to great, but this was a human warband, they were taken for soldiers beseiged they barely escaped only to give the news to there tribesmen. the humans came to take this as a declaration of war, the tribesmen started travelling in bigger bands, this only made the humans more sure it was war, but the wounded were piling up. one day a curious scholarly soldier thought something was strange, so he went to the cats who took him prisoner. it took some time, but eventually they understood eachother, and the mistakes had been made, it was never war but it was over now. the scholar had stopped the fighting, but the wounded tribesmen were not healing, in sleep they were beset by nightmares a darkness had crawled in a creature of nightmare. the scholar came back, dismayed. he had heard of a dream spirit from them, he found a town elder a old women, and said what can be done? she said she did not know but if anything could be it would be the great spirit, yet the prayers have not helped. they thought long and hard. the scholar was a mage, the women a shaman, together they combined there abilities to craft a talismen that would banish the nightmares. and the nightmares were banished, the tribesmen slowly dieing healed better then expected all was well for a time. legend has it a tribe still holds this sacred artifact.


it is the last remnant of a unnamed greater spirit of dreams, and it saved the lives of many tribesmen in its day.
Creation Date
long ago
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