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Since the dawn of time the Goddess Vesteria has watch over her children and granted the her blessing. She gave them the gift of thought and will, allowing them to grow and make choices as they please. As her children grew more and more they created city's and kingdoms each with their own laws and beliefs honoring her and worshiping her within the different things they saw her in she took many forms. To each of these forms they constructed churches and monuments in her name praised her as the all loving mother she had become.
This lead the jealousy of her older brother the God Cosmos. The mortals worshiped Vesteria as the supreme deity that could not be opposed. This angered Cosmos greatly as he was the who made the ground they walked on, the water they drank,and the air they breathed. It was by his wisdom and laws that allowed life to grown on Kanar and mortals had forgotten their place.It was within this Jealousy that Cosmos created the chains of life. An eternal law which would dictate that no one being could hold absolute power over the world at any given time each being that would walk on the earth he created would be forever bound by those chains.
Along side the chains Cosmos created the Entelicaya monsters beings that could not be slain by mortals no matter how strong. This would lead the world into an even which is now know as the "War of great Sundering". At the time three Entelicaya existed Iktar, Theruer, and Wudar. The three monsters laid waist to all man had built, unstoppable forces that knew not language nor compassion. The mortal has been pushed to the brink with nowhere left to run they turned to their goddess .
Vesteria with no other option and her great compassion devised a plan to save the mortals. She would sow her power into those born under her star to give them the chance to fight back. These mortal would gain power unlike any the world had ever seen. For not only did they have power closer to that of a god they still carried with them the fear of death. With everything to lose and nothing to gain the five mortals gifted with this Power would make their final stand  Alexander the unbreakable, Gilgamesh of the shining sword, Hastur the wise, Artemis the unyielding, and Minerva the breaker faced the three beasts. 
It is said the battle lasted 5 days and the warriors fought without sleep.However the beasts would not fall. In the Hero's darkest hour Alexander, Gilgamesh, and Artemis using the last of their strength delivered their divine retribution upon the three Entilicaya finally slaying their foes. The battle however would not come without a price. The three Hero's who delivered the final stand and slayed the monsters would not survive the battle they had given their lives to allow the mortals to survive. The two remaining hero's returned to the mortal kingdoms to let them know of their victory and sacrifice. Soon the mortals life returned to a sense or normalcy. 
however Cosmos would not let their peace last as the chains had created an eternal law that would not so easily be broken. Only a mere decade after the hero's Sacrifice another three Entelicaya would rise from depths of the earth,sea and sky.However they would not be the only beings to rise this time for as soon as the beast made their presence known more hero's would rise to replace the others and slay the beasts thus beginning what is now known as the Eternal cycle. Where the monstrous Entelicaya  would rise along side the Hero's to meet their challenge at the cost of their own life slay these great Beasts to preserve a life that they could never have.

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