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The Fest of Long Night traditions and rituals.

A holiday tradition for the Quitmesh is the Fest of Long Night in the beginning of Frostspell.   The Fest of Long Night starts with everybody have ritual baths, believed to remove bad lick and misfortune. Many families gatherings where they will sing, play music, and dance.   When the sun starts to set everybody will go to the center of town and sing the Gathering of Light. This song calls for the sun to return as the day is the shortest of the year. As the people sing fires are lite with the logs that people have written their wishes for the new year to come.   As the time for dinner comes people will take an ember for the fires for their homes. Once back at their homes they will light lamps that will burn all night and fires in which they will use to cook with.   The food they eat in this fest are usually nuts, berries, spices, squash, potatoes and different kinds of meat. Some of the most of the favorite dishes are turkey and squash chili, spicy potatoes with nuts, cranberry hazelnut turkey or beef roast, cranberry chestnut cake or bars, spice ginger cookies, and nuts covered in sweet toppings.   The favorites drinks are usually wassail, ginger cider, and mulled wine.   As the night goes on family's will give gifts to each other, sing favorite songs, read stories about the holiday, play games, and decorate their house with tassel willow and milky garget tree branches.   Many adults will stay up all night long to greet the sun as it comes up and children will try as well.  But if they do not or can not there is nothing wrong with that.   The Fest of Long Night is as most people believe the start of Oullonk and the beginning of Frostspell.


Most of the Quitmesh people attend the ceremonies for the Fest of Long Night.


The Fest of Long Night is observed at the beginning of Frostspell, which is part winter in Kandalria, which is part of Oullonk.
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