Sisara Sahanandu (See-sah-rah Sah-ha-nan-doo)

Sisara Sahanandu (a.k.a. Sara)

Who is this woman? This woman is the first born daughter of the matriarch of the Sahanavu Clan on Navaravu. She is an empath so she has a way of making people feel seen because she looks past the façade they show to the world to see the truth of who they are. She has spent her entire life preparing for, and dreaming of, a future that isn't right for her and now her mother has sent her out into the stars on a quest to discover who she is and what she truly wants out of life. Her biggest secret is that she's jealous of her younger sister who seems perfectly suited to the life that she thought would be hers. She feels like a failure, an imposter, and she misses her family terribly, but she's also afraid that they might be better off without her. Her favorite place to be is in the royal barge floating down Lavarhonda Blossom Canal with her family and waving to everyone on the little docks that dot the shoreline.   My name is Sisara Sahanandu, also known as Sara, and I'm in this story to hold my friends together and also to find my place in the world.  

Physical Description

Special abilities

She's an empath.  

Apparel & Accessories

Wears dresses and cloaks made of blush-pink, flowy, floaty fabric.  

Mental characteristics


Well educated  


Family Ties

She is the first born daughter of the Matriarch of the Sahanavu Clan of the running waters.  

Social Aptitude

She's an extrovert who likes to make everyone feel welcome. Everyone loves Sara.  


She has ballerina-like gracefulness and she gives good hugs.  


melodic, gentle lyrical voice, flowing unhurried speech pattern, drawing out words similar to the way people speak in the southern states of the USA, uses "we" a lot
emerald green
long, wavy, multi-colored
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
120 lbs
Known Languages
All languages of Navaravu, Common, can often understand non-sapient "speech" and intuit the meaning of languages through her empathic ability.

Cover image: Lavarhonda Blossom Canal by Alex the Creatrix
Character Portrait image: Sisara Sahanandu a.k.a. Sara by Alex the Creatrix


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