Stormbreak Physical / Metaphysical Law in Kantostara | World Anvil


Ket was busy with her afternoon chores when she suddenly realized that it had become quiet outside. That could only mean one thing: a stormbreak. She knew she should finish her chores, but stormbreaks were becoming even more rare lately, and she didn't want to miss the rainbows, so she dropped her cleaning brushes and hurried outside.   The heavy mist enveloped her, moistening her face and dampening her clothes, as she stared up at the sky in awe. It was breathtaking. The entire sky was filled with more colors than she could even name. Ket thought of her mother, as she always did at moments like this, and her hand automatically went to the little crystal sculpture sewn into a hidden pocket in her tunic. It was all she had from the mother who died giving birth to her.   Ket was beginning to create her own crystal sculptures too, and she often wished she could share them with her mother. She had so many questions about her mother's life as an artisan in the crystalline guild before she met Ket's father and became a believer, but she didn't dare ask her father.   "Ket!" Her father's angry voice interrupted Ket's thoughts.   "Yes, father."   "Face me when I'm taking to you, girl." He commanded.   Ket turned and stared at the ground. "Yes, father."   "Have you finished your chores?"   "No, father."   "Do you think yourself a guilder with time to waste on foolishness?"   "No, father."   His voice dripped with contempt. "You remind me more and more of your mother."   Anger and defiance rose up in Ket as she looked her father square in the eye and demanded, "How is that a bad thing?" Then she couldn't help taking a step back when she saw the way his face contorted with rage.  


  Stormbreaks are those rare times when there is a break in the drenching rain storms that continuously rage across the world of Kataan. The reflection of light through the mist creates breathtaking enormous rainbows that seem to fill the entire sky.   Stormbreaks don't last long, but everyone looks forward to them. The workers of Kataan, known as guilders, leave their jobs and rush outside to celebrate the beautiful sky. Food and drink are shared as they all sing and dance under the rainbows in a huge spontaneous party. It is said that if a couple marries during a stormbreak, their love will never fade.

Cover image: Underground Dwellings of Kataan by Alex the Creatrix


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