A Seeker Drone Item in Kaomora | World Anvil

A Seeker Drone

A Seeker drone designed by Olistar after the shock disappearance of Calista. He created 100's if not 1000's of these little drones however due to their shiny and small size they often attracted the attention of larger predatory creatures and subsequently most were destroyed before finding Calista.
Each enchanted with a small hand written note inside.
Even the most complex and intricate creations and indeed equations have a beginning and middle and an end, I wrote my start, you became my middle but we never completed our creations together. If you have found my seeker and would like to seek me in return they are programmed to take you to me. I do hope you will follow. Olistar.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This clockwork device is powered by a small shard of radiant energy that harnesses the solar while flying around seeking it's intended target.
Item type
Current Holder