Bajilla Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil


A small and predominantly peaceful fishing village holds a more relaxed lifestyle. As long as the fish are plenty and the fruit is ripe, all will be all right. A saying often said by the inhabitants. It is not uncommon to see gatherings of Tortles, Water Genasi and Loxodon. Rarely a frown and often a Smile.
A Tribal Elder named Oroga Reefback, he oversees any disturbances to his community and represents the village at any tribal meetings involving the whole Jinotiana Archipelago
Predominantly self sustaining the archipelago provides little to the greater region of Kaomora other than fishing and some rarer corals. They have a cyclical way of life and prefer to keep it that way.
It is not uncommon to see small idols to ancestors around Bajilla or little shrines to Umberlee, goddess of the sea or Melora, the Wild Mother - but no large temples are constructed on this little Island
Customs and Cultures
Sayings - Fish be plenty, Fruit be Ripe, then all will be alright.
Fishing Tournaments occur throughout the warmer months of the year - the only competitive event that any one on the Jinotiana Archipelago takes seriously.
The Aquajukalla - A ceremony on the Summer Solstice, praise to Leventus for the oceans and to Pelor, God of healing, sun and summer for the suns warmth.