Blight Scar Geographic Location in Kaomora | World Anvil

Blight Scar

The region at a glance
No trees, no wildlife nor resemblance of an inhabitant dwell in this area, a large wall of force cacoons this elevated plateau, allowing no one in or even yet no one out. No sound nor scent penetrates this wall. For those bold enough to scale the wall to take a peek, they see see very little but a large blacked and crumbling tower, burnt and scarred land with horrid jagged rocks and open craggy voids that seem to plunge endlessly down below.

Brief History
There is little recorded history on the Blight scar, some say it was the final resting place of the last of the titans, others a famous tower built by mages that were slowly consumed by their own lust for power. It is also used locally among families as a way to scare their children into being good - saying a dark evil tempts little boys and girls and tricks them and takes them there where it eats their flesh. Whatever use you have for this place there is little evidence to support a true history.






Customs and Cultures
A custom among youth is to tap the barrier - show a mark of bravery or in most cases stupidity. While in most instances the child comes back unscathed but there has been the odd disappearance.