Blood Tusk Keep Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil

Blood Tusk Keep

Town at a Glance
The largest settlement in the Savage Lands the Blood Tusk Keep is formed from all manner of slain beasts. The walls are pieced together from scales of purple worms, dragons, Ahnkeg and other chitinous creatures. The large central Keep is bound together with bones, trees and large leathery hides. The large sails that cover the 3 storey keep are all died a deep crimson red, giving the blood keep its distinctive blood red title.
The temperature in the Savage lands is typically hot and unrelenting therefore the smell of sweat, hard work and blood always seems to linger in the air here.
The chatter often in Orcish, Goblin at times in Common is typically to do with trade and rarely a raised voice is heard. The streets are usually bustling with merchants swapping their meat for grains or wares for other wonders.
Brief History
The Savage land was first settled by the Orcs and Goblins in the founding of Kaomora, the lands were fertile with plenty of game and they acclimatised well to the often sweltering hot temperatures. They first settled the Blood Tusk Keep - originally known as First Tusk Keep, it was not long after establishing this initial hub that other clans were formed and began to spread across the island. After a few years they were greeted by main-landers, by the way of humans and dwarves first. They offered technology and gold in exchange for their fighting prowess and wished to introduce new and exotic animals for them to hunt, some enjoyed this new found connection. However most did not. The sacred right of trade is earnt and gold was found to be rather useless, it gave little protection, it was a soft metal and while a few tried to get the concept most found the exchange unworthy and cheap. The Orcs then declared that one must use their talents and skills in trade equal to that of another's. Gold the elders found served little purpose but to create corruption among their people.
It was then that the use of gold for trade was banished, your skills are your trade and no one could purchase a possession with gold. Given this new evil of ownership ad been introduced the elders and shamans met to discuss an appropriate way for this new found way of conflict to peacefully exist. They decided that each member of a clan is given leather binding that is inscribed with runic bonds, this leather binding is able to be used on items that a clansperson can then claim as theirs, you can only request further bands should you show true merit. Otherwise a hut is not owned by one man or one clan but the offering to all who stay in The Savage Lands. All is fair game and all is respected.
The larger populations of Orcs, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Goblins.
Minor populations of Loxodon who are often considered to be Elders or Shamans
There are many titles that are held with great esteem in the Blood Keep and across the Savage lands.
Elders and Shamans guide each settlement.
Brood-Mothers ensure new generations of tribes members are born
Alpha-Hunters and Huntresses provide food and protection
All is for trade provided it has been made or slain by your hand. There are no pens for livestock, any kill must be obtained from the wild. All agreements are made and exchanged - material goods are only claimed once they have been leather bound.
Shamanistic sites are dedicated to the below gods.
Melora, the Wild Mother
Malar, god of the hunt
Semuanya, lizardfolk deity of survival
Gruumsh, the Ruiner
Each clan has their prized fighters, and they are often called on to settle a difference between clans. Most hold this position as an honour and with it typically comes top mating rights for their clan. The Blood Tusk keeps Prized Champion is Mor'ak Arggh. If there was a time of great wars the clans would likely unite behind each of these champions.
Customs and Cultures
Any item without a leather binding is deemed as fair game, therefore don't be surprised if spare equipment could be repurposed, replaced or requested by those around you.
You must earn the items you keep.