Boltas Blacksmiths Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Boltas Blacksmiths

Brief History
The Boltas blacksmiths is a heavy steam forge, that has been present in the northward of the Red Mesa for close on 3 years. Founded by Prixtra Boltas she forges armaments and weapons for those with coin and many a hardwearing tool for those in need.

Location description
A simple single-storey sandstone structure with a domed roof and chimney out the top. The chimney smoke is much lighter almost like a mist than smoke and a large set of billows affixed to the main structure.

What you hear
You hear the heavy crack of metal hitting metal, the blustering compression of the billows and the occasional dwarven word

What smells come from it
The intense smell of iron, sweat and faint floral notes hits the area around the blacksmith

What it looks like inside
Inside there is a large central tube of boiling water and vapour beside that is a red hot plate with odd indentations ready to forge new components. The inside has an intense heat to it, but the mist that comes off the large tube of water seems to give welcoming respite to the otherwise uncomfortable interior. There is also a counter and a few weapons and pieces of armour on display.

Who is inside
Prixtra Boltas and an older dwarven man named Bareik picking up some armour.