
Personality in brief description
A mostly retired denizen of the underworld, Florizel feels he still has one more good adventure left in him before he decides to truly lay rest in the after-life, he enjoys most things a 1,000-year-old fiendish creature does. Cards, good booze and telling the occasional tall tale. He is however a stickler for details given he has a strong background in deal-making and always is a being of his word.
Their appearance
He appears as a fluffy ferret-like creature with jagged protrusions across his ears, spine and tail, he has a set of white wings that have a velvet-like texture across them and a pair of jagged antlers, a cute button nose, long whiskers and a pouch that he pulls odds and ends from.
What they sound like
He sounds like a bit of a jazz cat, continually using terms like "sugar", "peaches", he does have a bit of a cough from a lot of the smoking that he does but it doesn't seem to trouble him greatly
What they smell like
He smells of musky old cologne, fine whiskey and cigar smoke.
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