Garsanta Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil


Town Description
The tropical town of Garsanta has a laid back nature and it is denoted in the presence of the buildings here, a lot of the buildings are simply constructed and often found to have small grafts of moss or other tropical flowers weaving their way between gaps in the wood or naturally forming spaces. All bar the large stone structure of Jark Fiori'dae )s Estate perched on the cliffs edge.
This society is far more laid back than their brethren in Port Marguerite, there is but one ruling noble and the rest of those that call this beautiful place home all share an equal social standing. The general species subset is of elven nature, with a few families of Triton descent.
Jark Fiori'dae is the Marquis of Garsanta and he rules lovingly over those who call it home. He is very well respected and has a strong relationship with the nobles of Port Marguerite
There is a large boat building yards that are owned by ‌ Lord Laurent Ghastalt, which repair a large number of boats between here and Port Marguerite,
The boat builders here worship Gond, god of craft, there is a local temple to Pelor, God of healing, sun and summer whose congregation make up a large portion of those who call here home.
The forces of the Loxel Guard are very active here as a secondary town of Port Marguerite
Customs and Cultures
It is customary to offer fresh fruit to travellers who are staying in the town, it is also custom to give a second basket of fresh fruit to encourage people to continue on their journey.
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