Gold Spire Sanctuary Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Gold Spire Sanctuary

Brief History
The temple was originally a small stone structure and housed but a handful of dedicated worshippers. However as trade grew and profits swelled many patrons dedicated large sums of money towards Waukeen, goddess of trade as they believed in her strength to bolster their negotiating power. In the last 100 years the temple size grew so much that they erected the 12 story gold tower in honour of their lady of trade.

Location description
The building stands as a tall gold tower with many windows that peer out to the streets of the northern ward. As light hits the tower the streets around are bathed in golden hues, three small round structures are fixed to the bottom of the tower each housing different areas for discussion, trade and rest.

What you hear
Prayer to the goddess is often done in trade. However, there is a small religious section on the 3rd and 4th floors of the tower and some chanting can be heard from these levels.

What smells come from it
The smell of burning incense and musky perfumes waft around the chambers, this smell clears as you head up the tower and eventually taken over by the smell of fresh flowers as you reach the upper levels where the disciples live.

What it looks like inside
The inside walls are polished stone with many paintings and beautiful tapestries adorning the walls. The three domed rooms each branch off in to conversation pits covered in rich red cushions. Hookah pipes sit in the centre of each and priests of the Goddess walk around in red and gold robes offering cold drinks and platters of food for those seeking respite.

Who is inside